
Suzuki GSX1250 Bandit
water cooled engine - the beloved Bandit gets a healthy dose of 21st
century technology!

The stock detent star seems to loosen up the bolt that holds
it on, causing missed shifts - esp. 2nd gear. Your Suzuki dealer
will probably warranty it (if possible) and retighten it. It's a
perfect time to install our S70 Detent Star, which fits tighter and
is less likely to loosen up again, like the stock star.
Daniel Garza wrote:
DAM!!!!! my hats off to the people who did
the R&D on the star! Man it shifts awesome. Billy said my stock
piece was already loose so it worked out great. he says hi back
at you. anyways great product thanx - danny
Sent: 10/12/2006 10:31:51 PM
From: GraVitY 0
Subject: Short Shift kit * Start for '06 GSX-R 750....
*smile* Thanks, reason I asked is that I own a shift star and
the arm with BB for my SV and I love it. But at the time I
ordered it you needed to make more. :D
I'll be most likely calling you in the near future. Michael

Evo Shift STAR
gsx1250 Bandit
Shifts quicker
Shifts smoother
Less unsettling to the bike when sport racing
Virtually eliminates missed shifts
Decreases required "shift kill" time on your Quickshifter
by 5-10 ms, improving ET.
(I can't believe that you don't already have one)
The "Paddle Shifter" for your foot -
The Suzuki's (and ZX10's, zx6's, cbr600rr's, and the Yamaha's) need
help in shifting.
Specifically, the late style gsxr shift action is very flat feeling
and gives very little tactile feedback as to confidence that it's
really in gear or not. I hate it when you shift and you can hear the
shift mechanism sort of lazily "kathwaka" into it's "maybe" final
gear location. I like a confident, proper "snick"!
They had it so close to "almost good" in 99 - I'm not sure why they
changed it for the "non-better".... Oh well - After redesigning and
testing and redesigning and testing, and redesigning and
testing...... I now see how easy it is to get it wrong, though.
We have a new detent "star" with a copyrighted profile (yep, the
"science failed, so, it's artwork - so it's copyrighted) that
includes a peculiar combination of compound arcs and radii that
produces a shift action that makes it almost impossible to miss a
shift ("almost" is the key word here!), especially 2nd gear in
upshifts and all the downshifts - At least, if you miss 2nd, now,
you will be REALLY surprised - cause it's now such a rare
Downshifting confidence is 100% easier and better - just as
important as not missing upshifts.
Beautifully machined on CNC machinery, machined
from solid Cro Mo steel bar stock, heat treated, Gold Zinc plated, a
complex radii, beautiful part.
The TEKA line of fuel injection products
features the
Teka SFI 2.

base unit - accessories

Teka SFI
It's the Factory pro designed tool
specifically designed to reprogram the stock Suzuki ECU /
As compared to a power
commander, Major features are virtually 100% reliability, as
the reliability is the same as the stock ECU and there is no
permanently mounted add-on box to fail and changes take 30
seconds and NO laptop.
Realtime tuning, no maps to
lose, no problems with RF interference, no computer required
to tune, no instant 1% to 2% hp loss w/ zero map, Easy to
tune at the track on the pit wall, takes only about 20
seconds to make changes, easy to change during a 600 mile
service, easy to tune for those new pipes your parts dept.
just sold, no waiting in line for someone to non-optimally
"tune to an a/f ratio", fits in your back pocket, digital
accuracy, and do one, a 100 or a 1000 bikes.
Team Vesrah, Suzuki Cup
World Champion Robert Jensen, Hooters Racing and many more
have and use the TEKA SFi.
In fact, 5 WERA National Championships and one World
Championship were won using the TEKA SFi.
In a championship race,
even one power commander failure can mean winning the
overall and finishing second in a years worth of work -

Teka MMT Module
EZ tune MMT (adj. memory module) Power Tube
MMT Power Switch
After tuning with a Teka SFI 2,
you can use this optional module to fine fine adjust fueling
with a screwdriver adjustable rotary switch.
MMT plugs right in to the bikes tuning
port (same as the SFI).
If tuning with the SFI 2 / MMT
The MMT is plugged into the bike,
the SFI 2 is plugged into the MMT and all tuning settings
from the SFI 2 are stored in the MMT and automatically
transferred to the bike.
After SFI tuning, the SFI is removed and the MMT is left on
the bike.
Then, for any fine tuning or adjusting after you maybe
change air filters or similar or high altitude or a lot of
freeway riding, you can just tweak the MMT Power Select
Switch to a different number.
"5" = "as tuned with the SFI 2
"6" to "9" = incrementally richer
"4" to "1" = incrementally richer
"0" = "All zero ECU settings
If tuning with the MMT only (without
custom SFI tuning):
If just installing an MMT without
SFI custom retuning, just installing the MMT will allow you
to adjust, globally, incrementally richer or leaner with the
Power Select rotary switch.
If you first install an MMT and decide
the have it custom tuned with the SFI 2, no problem.
Just plug the SFI 2 into the MMT's Tuning port and tune
that perfect map.
Then, you still have the ability to "trim"
map for conditions with the Power Select Switch - and you
even have, by setting it at "0", to recheck how the "zero"
map was in comparison to your "SFI Tuned Map".
EZ install - all stock connectors, no