Installing a Jet Kit
EX500 and 250
of a Factory Config 10 Jet kit
on pictures to see larger ones. Be aware">
Installing a Jet Kit
EX500 and 250
of a Factory Config 10 Jet kit
on pictures to see larger ones. Be aware, the larger pictures may be
up to300k. They are VERY high quality pictures. This is necessary to
make all the parts visible. More pictures will be added but I need
to have them scanned first. Also, the step-by-step for the float
height adjustment isn't online yet. (I haven't done it yet!) I hope
this helps.
Parts needed:
- Factory Config 10
(stage 1)
Jet kit for use with the stock airbox
- Aftermarket Exhaust
(I use Muzzy 2-1 pipe, installation
of pipe)

of the carbs, once removed from the rubber seats. They may
be dirty, know how that is |
- Remove the seat
and gas tank. When you lift tank from bike, there will be two
tubes coming from the petcock (gas regulator for reserve or
regular tank). You must remove the tubes before the tank can
be lifted any higher. Unless your bike is very old, it won't
matter if the petcock is in the on/reserve/off position. It's
vacuum sealed. If you can't get a friend to hold tank up for
you, take a piece of wood, or roll of tape and stick it underneath
the tank so that it's high enough to remove the tubes.
- Remove the carburetor
from the rubber boots on the front and rear.
- BEFORE turning the
carbs over, make sure to drain the fuel from the fuel bowls.
When you look under the carbs, each one will have a small allen
head bolt mounted horizontal to the ground. Turn this out, and
the fuel will leak out of the hole it's blocking. You might
want a towel or something to set underneath to catch the fuel.
Now you're
ready to begin the installation. From here, I will go as I went
in my installation, recommending the settings that seem to be the
most common among other riders. Keep in mind that you WILL most
likely have to redo something in the setup to make the bike run
correctly. The settings here are only a starting point.
- Remove the black
caps from the top of the carbs.
You will see a black
diaphragm inside. Carefully
remove the diaphragm my pinching it and lifting. Notice the
spring/spacer/needle that come out with it.
needle is the part you are replacing with the new ADJUSTABLE
needle and clips.

is a good view of the assembly. Make sure to keep it all in order |

view doesn't show the "2 clip method" but
you get the idea, right?
Now, make sure you
keep the pieces in order for replacement. Take the new needle
from the jet kit and place 1 e-clip on the 3rd slot from top,
and 1 e-clip on the 1st slot from top. The clip in 3rd position
is there to determine needle height and the clip on 1st position
is there to keep needle from bouncing. (note: this method was
suggested to me by the guys at the Factory Pro website. It's
not the method intended, notice the shim washers that are now
useless, but it works better.)
When changing settings
here, ALWAYS remember that clip positions are counted from the
TOP of the needle. Once
both needles have been changed, put the diaphragm/spring/needle
assembly in the carbs and CAREFULLY replace the black caps on
top with the new allen head bolts. Be very careful not to pinch
the diaphragm under the cap. If this happens, you will most
likely foul a spark plug and the symptoms (sluggish, very quiet,
very sputtery, gas leaking out of muffler) are very scary if
you don't know what it is.
Turn the carbs over
and remove the fuel bowl caps with the four screws on each carb.
Here you will see a plastic "float" in each carb.
In the middle of the bowl, there is a screw with a flat head
slot in it.
These are the main
jets. Remove each screw (one per carb, if you get confused which
screw it is, just remove both and see which looks like the new
screw) and replace with the 132 (on
the ex500, for example) main jet screws from the jet
kit. Again, this is a suggested setting.
The 132 is one step
above the stock 130's and provides better top-end performance.
You may find that you need the 135's. This is common.

is how the main jet will look. You replace the SMALLER
jet shown |
Now, notice the
metal tangs that stop the float from moving in one direction.
I will come back to this later, after you've tested and tried
tuning your bike. If it is consistently sluggish under 3k rpm,
then you MIGHT need to adjust your float height.
This isn't easy and
requires exact measurements. If you have determined that you
must do this, go HERE.

is a beautiful view of all the workings in the float
bowl. In the center, you see the main jet and you can
also see the tangs that stop the floats.
Replace the caps
on the fuel bowls. Now you will drill the small caps out of
the Idle-mixture screw holes. Look under the carbs, there is
a post extending from the bottom of each carb, on the side.
The tube has an aluminum cap inside. Under this cap is the idle-mixture
setting screw. You need to drill the cap out. Take a small drill
bit, around 1/16" or 1/8" and drill barely through
the cap. Be sure not to go too far or you may damage the screw.
Then, if the cap doesn't pop out from the torque, take a small
piece of metal and pry the cap out. It's very easy. |
The idle-mixture
screws are for adjusting the low-rpm gas flow. For more information
on how this should be set, go to the Factory
Pro CV Carb tuning tips page. For now, turn the screws to 2
or 2.25 turns out. Make sure that you turn the screws full in
first. |
Exhaust Air Injection
Block-off Procedure
OK, put the carbs
back in the bike.
Notice there are two tubes ( one from each
valve cover ) coming from the engine that meet at a metal assembly
(exhaust air injection system). Here, one small tube goes down
to carb and one large tube goes to the airbox (to the rear of
the carbs). You must have this system blocked off or SERIOUS
popping will occur. So, what I did was take a ball, about the
size of the ball in my MS Mouse, and shove it in the tube coming
from the black box. Then, I taped shut the hole in the air injection
system that was left open from the tube. Then, just to be sure,
I taped the tube back onto the injection system. This will cut
ALL airflow to any of the other tubes, thus making the system
useless and cutting ALL backfiring and popping out. The general
idea is that you just have to stop all airflow between those
tubes, the carbs, the valve covers, and the airbox. Do it however
you like. |
Finally, you're
finished with the easy stuff. The hard stuff is tuning the system.
Replace everything on bike. You will have to ride the bike to
see which areas need changing. Once again, refer to the Factory
Pro Carb tuning tips page for necessary changes.
Many thanks to Mike
) for all the EXCELLENT pictures on this page. I definitely couldn't
have explained things without them. Thanks.
If you
see anything wrong with my installation procedure, PLEASE email
your suggestions or corrections. The last thing I want to do is make the
installation of a jet kit HARDER than it already is for beginners. I appreciate
any and all suggestions to these pages.
Thanks to Rocky Cherry for the install routines. Be sure to visit his E500
site. Click here!
Factory Tuning Components
1 (415) 883-5620